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IP Academy


IP protection is a broad field. You don't need to know everything. However, you need the right information how to protect your innovations, ideas or products. To be aware of the intellectual property you deal with on a daily basis. That is why the IP Academy is here - a department of the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic, which provides practical workshops and lectures on IP for everyone.


Do you want to know more about IP? Choose from our menu below!


For more information, contact us by phone at 0904 432 615 or by e-mail at akademia(zavináč)

For electronic communication of citizens and entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as "users") with the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as "the Office"), the Office makes available electronic services through which it is possible to quickly and securely file applications for industrial property rights and subsequent documents in electronic form via the Internet.

The Office's electronic services are available through three systems. Users are advised to familiarise themselves with the functions provided by the system before selecting and using it in order to avoid any problems and misunderstandings relating to its use.

Portál elektronických služieb (ďalej "PES ÚPV SR") Úradu priemyselného vlastníctva Slovenskej republiky (ďalej „úrad") je prístupovým miestom k elektronickým službám, ktoré úrad poskytuje používateľom. PES ÚPV SR je dostupný 24 hodín denne a 7 dní v týždni.

Na prístup do PES ÚPV SR je potrebná identifikácia a autentifikácia používateľa prostredníctvom občianskeho preukazu s elektronickým čipom (eID karty), prípadne dokladom o pobyte s elektronickým čipom, alternatívnym autentifikátorom, autentifikačným certifikátom alebo prostriedkom elektronickej identifikácie z iného štátu Európskej únie (eIDAS node).

Správcom a technickým prevádzkovateľom PES ÚPV SR je úrad.

Adresa webového sídla PES ÚPV SR

Zoznam poskytovaných elektronických služieb:

Elektronické služby, ktoré úrad poskytuje používateľom, sú rozdelené podľa jednotlivých predmetov priemyselných práv.


Dodatkové ochranné osvedčenia

Úžitkové vzory


Ochranné známky

Webregistre - vybrané údaje z registrov Úradu priemyselného vlastníctva Slovenskej republiky

Webové sídlo Úradu priemyselného vlastníctva SR

Registrácia používateľa do systému Eptos

The Central Portal of Public Administration (hereinafter referred to as the "Central Portal of Public Administration" or "") is a public administration information system which, pursuant to Act No. 305/2013 Coll. on the electronic form of exercising the powers of public authorities and on amendments and supplements to certain acts (the e-Government Act), enables centralised electronic official communication with any public authority and access to common modules, in particular via the Internet.

Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Infirmatisation of the Slovak Republic (MIRRI)

The technical operator of the ÚPVS is the National Agency for Network and Electronic Services (NASES)

The recipient of submissions is the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as 'IPO SR').

Address of the electronic filing office

Filing options

Advantages of electronic filing

  • security (access to the electronic mailbox requires an electronic ID card with a chip (eID card) and a personal security code (BOK code), filings are signed with an electronic signature created by means of a qualified certificate)
  • efficiency (saving time, paper, printing, postage, etc.)
  • reduction of administrative fees (50 % of the fee determined in accordance with the scale of administrative fees, with a maximum reduction of EUR 70)

Means necessary for electronic filing

Basic information on familiarising yourself with the PSO and its use for electronic communication with public authorities is provided on the PSO under "Getting started." The means necessary for electronic communication with public authorities, detailed user guides, description of functionalities, description of its common modules, etc. are also provided on the PSED.

In case of questions and problems related to e-filing, please contact the Central Contact Centre of the IPO SK or helpdesk IPO SK. 

Epoline® Online Filing (EPTOS) je systém poskytovaný Európskym patentovým úradom (ďalej „EPO"). Systém umožňuje vytvárať podania v elektronickej forme a odosielať ich na EPO, Úrad priemyselného vlastníctva Slovenskej republiky a taktiež na národné úrady niektorých krajín.

Na systém Online filing (EPTOS) sa nevzťahuje zákon č. 305/2013 Z. z. o elektronickej podobe výkonu pôsobnosti orgánov verejnej moci a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov (zákon o e-Governmente).

Možnosti podávania

  • európske patentové prihlášky
  • národné patentové prihlášky
  • národné prihlášky úžitkových vzorov
  • žiadosti o udelenie dodatkových ochranných osvedčení
  • preklady patentových nárokov zverejnených európskych patentových prihlášok s určením pre Slovenskú republiku do slovenského jazyka
  • preklady európskych patentových spisov s určením pre Slovenskú republiku do slovenského jazyka
  • následne podané dokumenty k:
    • národným patentovým prihláškam
    • národným prihláškam úžitkových vzorov
    • prekladom patentových nárokov zverejnených európskych patentových prihlášok do slovenského jazyka
    • prekladom európskych patentových spisov do slovenského jazyka

Výhody elektronického podávania

  • bezpečnosť (podania sú podpisované elektronickým podpisom vytvoreným prostredníctvom certifikátu uloženého na smart karte, komunikácia medzi počítačovými systémami pripojenými na internet je počas procesu odosielania podania šifrovaná prostredníctvom SSL protokolu; certifikát vydáva Certifikačná autorita EPO)
  • rýchlosť (okamžité vydanie potvrdenia o podaní, ktoré pri nových prihláškach obsahuje pridelené číslo prihlášky a dátum podania)
  • efektívnosť (šetrenie času a nákladov na papier, tlač, poštu a pod.)
  • zníženie poplatkov:
    • zľava z poplatku za podanie európskej patentovej prihlášky
    • 50 % z poplatku určeného podľa sadzobníka správnych poplatkov, pričom sa poplatok znižuje najviac o 70 eur

Prostriedky potrebné na elektronické podávanie

Základné informácie na oboznámenie sa s Online filing (EPTOS) sú dostupné na webovom sídle EPO. Všetky prostriedky potrebné na elektronické podávanie poskytuje EPO bezodplatne.

V prípade otázok a problémov v súvislosti s Online filing (EPTOS) kontaktujte helpdesk úradu alebo prostredníctvom kontaktného formuláru  EPO.

Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic

Svermova 43
974 04 Banska Bystrica
Slovak Republic

VAT ID: SK2021105724


Kontaktné informácie v QR kóde


The IPO SK provides services for the public within the information center and the filing office. 
Personal consultations within the information center are possible by e-mail or telephone agreement.

Opening hours for the public, Information Centre services and Filing office


9.00 h 12.00 h, 12.30 h - 15.00 h


9.00 h  12.00 h, 12.30 h - 15.00 h


9.00 h  12.00 h, 12.30 h - 15.00 h


9.00 h  12.00 h, 12.30 h - 15.00 h



Telephone support
for clients






15.00 h 17.00 h





WorkplacePhone numbersE-mail
Information centre

+421/48/43 00 131
+421/48/43 00 111
Registry +421/48/43 00 327

Research workplace

+421/48/43 00 276
+421/48/43 00 313

Study room and library

+421/48/43 00 172

Electronic submission

+421/48/43 00 244

* The size of one email can be maximum 30 MB (header + text + attachments). Realistically, a single email can deliver attachments with a size of about 20 MB. This limit is set by the Govnet supranet and cannot be changed by the Authority. If the 30 MB limit is exceeded, the sender is informed by a return e-mail from Govnet (probably with an error text of '552 Error: message too large').

Mapa - lokalizácia sídla úradu

Location of the headquarters of the ÚPV SR in Banská Bystrica on the map

In 2024, in the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic in Banská Bystrica continues the educational programme Intellectual Property, which is accredited by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic.

Objectives of the educational programme Intellectual Property:

  • To provide comprehensive information on intellectual property to the business sector.
  • To enable practitioners in the field of industrial property to concentrated innovation of knowledge, skills and knowledge in relation to the evolving economic conditions.
  • To provide IP practitioners with an update on international applications, particularly in the European context.
  • To train specialised information staff - patent and trademark analysts and prior art search service providers, in particular for patent information centres, information and consultation points, innoinfo, business incubators, etc.
  • Train qualified promoters of creativity and the protection of its results.
  • Contribute to the formation of teachers with basic knowledge of the principles of creation and protection of intellectual property, capable of translating the issue into education at lower levels.
  • To broaden, supplement, innovate and consolidate the expertise and skills of new staff members of the IPO in particular.

The Intellectual Property training programme is divided into four separate follow-up modules:

  • Complete educational programme
450 €
  • Module A - Fundamentals of Intellectual Property and Copyright
85 €
  • Module B - Creativity - its management, marketing and economics
85 €
  • Module C - Intellectual property information
85 €
  • Module D - Industrial property law
230 €

The professional level of each module is ensured by the professional guarantor (module A - Doc. JUDr. Renáta Bačárová, PhD.,LLM, module B - prof. Ing. Jozef Zajac, CSc., module - C - Ing. Martin Zeleňák and module D - JUDr. Eugen Záthurecký). Lecturers, lecturers and examiners are university lecturers, professional workers from practice and employees of the Institute of the Slovak Republic.

The module consists of thematically closely related lectures and exercises. Each module can be studied separately. In each of the modules, the student acquires specific knowledge and skills that can be applied in practice. A module consists of a minimum of two subjects, each of which culminates in an examination.

The Intellectual Property programme is designed for graduates of Level I or II universities.

Participants in further education are enrolled in the Intellectual Property Training Programme on the basis of an application form.

In September 2024, the study of Module A - Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Law and Copyright will start, which will be implemented for 3 months. After the completion of the study in Module A, the study of Modules B and C will follow smoothly, which will be implemented at the end of 2024 and in the first half of 2025.

The total duration of the training is 316 hours, including 110 hours of lectures and the balance in the form of practical exercises, trainings and excursions. The first three follow-up modules have a scope of 54 teaching hours each over three months. The Industrial Property Law module, which consists of three broad blocks (Industrial, Related and Related Rights; Patent Law; Right to Designation) has 154 hours. After passing nine examinations, the training ends with the preparation and public defence of a final written thesis.

The fee for training in modules A, B, C is 85 €, in module D is 230 €, the whole training programme is 450 €. After passing the prescribed examinations, the participant will receive a certificate of completion of the respective module. The training takes place in the form of two-day training sessions, usually on Thursdays and Fridays, at the premises of the Office of the Slovak Republic, according to the training calendar for the respective school year (updated after the end of the previous school year).
Further information: 048-4300209; patricia.simkova(at)

Company Visit is our free information service for startups, small, medium and large businesses. During the visit, we will provide you with information about the hidden potential of intellectual property that you are unaware of today.

This information can help you avoid major problems with financial implications; copying your brand and innovations, paying compensation for infringing competitors, costs associated with rebranding and more.

During your visit, you will receive value-added information from our staff and useful tips:

  • How to build a brand, product or service through intellectual property 
  • How to protect a product or service from being used, copied, or counterfeited 
  • When to protect your company's intellectual property and when to use a different strategy 
  • How to prevent early disputes with competitors 
  • Who to contact when developing a strategy to protect your brand, products and services 
  • How much will it cost to protect your innovations 
  • How to get financial support to protect your products and services

Our visit costs only one hour of your time.

If you are interested in a visit to your company, please fill out the registration form by clicking on this link (prihlasovací formulár po kliknutí na tento odkaz).  Our staff will then contact you to confirm the date of your visit.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us on 048 43 00 261 or 048 43 00 111 or by email at

Note: The visit to the company is an information and popularization service in the field of industrial law protection. It is not intended as a purposeful invitation to file applications for industrial rights, consultation on filing applications, resolution of situations arising in the enterprise in question or as a substitute for the activities of patent attorneys.

Original publications of the Office staff, translations of international treaties, agreements, conventions and laws in the field of intellectual property, international classification systems for inventions, designs and trademarks.

All publications can be ordered in writing (písomne) or via the Internet (internetu).

Publications of the IPO SK in Slovak language:

  • Medzinárodná prihláška podľa PCT (PDF, 2,1 MB) (Inštrukcia pre prihlasovateľov, ako vyplniť formulár žiadosti medzinárodnej prihlášky (PCT/RO/101) podanej podľa Zmluvy o patentovej spolupráci (PCT), rok vydania 2019 (International Application under the PCT (Instructions for applicants on how to fill in the application form for an international application (PCT/RO/101) filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), year of publication 2019)
  • Hladká, Ľ.: Konanie o medzinárodnej prihláške podanej podľa Zmluvy o patentovej spolupráci (PCT) – základné informácie (rok vyd. 2017), 3,- €
    Hladká, Ľ.: Proceedings on an international application filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) - basic information (year of publication 2017), 3,- €)
  • Dibdiak, Ľ.: Medzinárodné ochranné známky podľa Madridského systému, 2. vydanie (rok vyd. 2012), 15 €
    Dibdiak, Ľ.: International Trademarks under the Madrid System, 2nd edition (2012), 15 €)
  • Maruniaková, I., Klinka, T., Midriaková, L., Mikuličová, J.: Komentár k zákonu o ochranných známkach. Nezmenené vyd. 2016 (elektronická verzia v PDF formáte), 7 €
    Maruniaková, I., Klinka, T., Midriaková, L., Mikuličová, J.: Commentary to the Trademark Act. Unchanged ed. 2016 (electronic version in PDF format), 7 €)
  • Zborník z konferencie Duševné vlastníctvo na Slovensku XI, rok vyd. 2011 (Proceedings of the conference Intellectual Property in Slovakia XI, year of publication 2011)
  • Zborník z konferencie Duševné vlastníctvo na Slovensku X, rok vyd. 2010 (Proceedings of the conference Intellectual Property in Slovakia X, year of publication 2010)
  • Predpisy priemyselnoprávnej ochrany Slovenskej republiky, 4. vydanie (Regulations of Industrial Law Protection of the Slovak Republic, 4th edition)
  • Zborník z konferencie Duševné vlastníctvo na Slovensku IX, rok vyd. 2009 (Proceedings of the conference Intellectual Property in Slovakia IX, year of publication 2009)
  • Predpisy priemyselnoprávnej ochrany Slovenskej republiky, 3. vydanie (Slovak Republic Industrial Law Protection Regulations, 3rd edition)
  • Zborník z konferencie Duševné vlastníctvo na Slovensku VIII. rok vyd. 2008, 3,31 €
    Proceedings of the conference Intellectual Property in Slovakia VIII. year of publication 2008, 3,31 €)
  • Zbierka vybraných rozhodnutí ÚPV SR I. + II. + III. diel, 9,95 €
    Collection of Selected Decisions of the Office of Intellectual Property of the Slovak Republic I. + II. + III. volume, 9,95 €)
  • Zbierka vybraných rozhodnutí ÚPV SR III. rok vyd. 2007, 4,97 €
    Collection of Selected Decisions of the Office for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of the Slovak Republic III. year of publication 2007, 4,97 €)
  • Zborník z konferencie Duševné vlastníctvo na Slovensku VII, rok vyd. 2007, 6,63 €
    Proceedings of the conference Intellectual Property in Slovakia VII, year of publication 2007, 6,63 €)
  • Medzinárodné triedenie výrobkov a služieb na zápis ochranných známok I., II. (Niceské triedenie) 9. vydanie, 2006. cena 43,15 €
    International Classification of Products and Services for the Registration of Trademarks I, II (Nice Classification) 9th edition, 2006. price 43,15 €)
  • Zborník z konferencie Duševné vlastníctvo na Slovensku VI. vyd. 2006, 6,63 €
    Proceedings of the conference Intellectual Property in Slovakia VI. ed. 2006, 6,63 €)
  • Medzinárodná prihláška podľa PCT. Inštrukcia pre prihlasovateľov, ako vyplniť formulár (PCT/RO/101) medzinárodnej prihlášky podanej podľa zmluvy o patentovej spolupráci (PCT), 1. vyd. 2005, 1,65 €
    International application under the PCT. Instructions for applicants on how to fill in the form (PCT/RO/101) of an international application filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 1st ed. 2005, 1,65 €)
  • Zbierka vybraných rozhodnutí ÚPV SR II.diel, 1.vyd. 2005, 10,95 €
    Collection of Selected Decisions of the Office of the Patent Office of the Slovak Republic, Volume II, 1st ed. 2005, 10,95 €)
  • Zborník z konferencie Duševné vlastníctvo na Slovensku V (ku Svetovému dňu duševného vlastníctva). 2005.9,95 €
    Proceedings of the conference Intellectual Property in Slovakia V (for the World Intellectual Property Day). 2005.9,95 €)
  • Duševné vlastníctvo - prostriedok rozvoja malého a stredného podnikania, 2. doplnené vydanie prekladu WIPO, ( rok vyd. 2005 ), 8,63 €
    Intellectual property - a means of development of small and medium business, 2nd supplemented edition of the WIPO translation, ( year of publication 2005 ), 8,63 €)
  • Predpisy priemyselnoprávnej ochrany Slovenskej republiky. 2. vydanie podľa stavu k 1. 1. 2005. 6,63 €
    Regulations of Industrial Law Protection of the Slovak Republic. 2nd edition as of 1 January 2005. 6,63 €)
  • Barica, J.: Malý slovenský panteón vedy a techniky. 2004. 4,97 €
    Barica, J.: Small Slovak Pantheon of Science and Technology. 2004. 4,97 €)
  • Tuma, M.: Marketing myšlienok. 2. vydanie. 2004. 9,79 €
    Tuma, M.: Marketing of ideas. 2nd edition. 2004. 9,79 €)
  • Dibdiak, Ľ.: Medzinárodné ochranné známky podľa Madridského systému, 1. vydanie (rok vyd. 2004), 13,27 €
    Dibdiak, Ľ.: International Trademarks under the Madrid System, 1st edition (year of publication 2004), 13,27 €)
  • Zborník z konferencie Duševné vlastníctvo na Slovensku 4. 2004. 4,97 €
    Proceedings of the conference Intellectual Property in Slovakia 4. 2004. 4,97 €)
  • Duševné vlastníctvo a clá 2004. 4,97 €
    Intellectual Property and Customs 2004. 4,97 €)
  • Právne predpisy Európskej únie v oblasti priemyselného vlastníctva. 2003. 9,12 €
    European Union legislation in the field of industrial property. 2003. 9,12 €)
  • Triednik dizajnov podľa Locarnskej dohody doplnený podrobnejším triedením. 8.vyd. 2003. 4,97 €
    Classification of Designs under the Locarno Agreement, supplemented by a more detailed classification. 8th ed. 2003. 4,97 €)
  • Dohovor o udeľovaní európskych patentov (Európsky patentový dohovor). 2003. 4,97 €
    Convention on the Grant of European Patents (European Patent Convention). 2003. 4,97 €)
  • Zborník zo seminára Zlepšovateľstvo na Slovensku. 2003. 3,65 €
    Proceedings of the seminar Improvement in Slovakia. 2003. 3,65 €)
  • Zbierka vybraných rozhodnutí ÚPV SR. 1. diel. 2003. 9,79 €
    Collection of Selected Decisions of the Office of the Patent Office of the Slovak Republic. Volume 1. 2003. 9,79 €)
  • Zborník z konferencie Duševné vlastníctvo na Slovensku 3. 2003. 6,63 €
    Proceedings of the conference Intellectual Property in Slovakia 3. 2003. 6,63 €)
  • Hajnalová, Z. - Suja, J.: Ochranná známka Spoločenstva (CTM). 2002. 4,97 €
    Hajnalová, Z. - Suja, J.: Community Trademark (CTM). 2002. 4,97 €)
  • Zborník z konferencie Duševné vlastníctvo na Slovensku 2. 2002. 6,63 €
    Proceedings of the conference Intellectual Property in Slovakia 2. 2002. 6,63 €)
  • Judikáty sťažnostných senátov Európskeho patentového úradu, 1.diel. 2001 24,89 € (cena za 2 diely - 2. diel vydal ÚPV ČR v českom jazyku) 
    Judgments of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office, Volume 1. 2001 24,89 € (price for 2 volumes - Volume 2 published by the Czech Patent Office in Czech language)
  • Ján Barica: Malý slovenský panteón vedy a techniky, ÚPV SR, 2004 134 str., cena 4,97 € 
    Ján Barica: The Little Slovak Pantheon of Science and Technology, ÚPV SR, 2004 134 pages, price 4,97 €)
  • Medzinárodné triedenie obrazových prvkov ochranných známok (Viedenské triedenie) (1999) 6,30 €
    International Classification of Figurative Elements of Trademarks (Vienna Classification) (1999) 6,30 €)
  • Triednik priemyselných vzorov podľa Locarnskej dohody (7. vydanie) doplnený podrobnejším triedením (1999) 3,98 €
    Classification of Industrial Designs according to the Locarno Agreement (7th edition) supplemented by a more detailed classification (1999) 3,98 €)
  • Zmluva o patentovej spolupráci (1998) 6,97 €
    Patent Cooperation Treaty (1998) 6,97 €)
  • Vytvorme si ochrannú známku - úvod do problematiky ochranných známok pre malé a stredné podniky (Let's Make a Trademark - An Introduction to Trademark Issues for Small and Medium Enterprises)
  • Príťažlivý vzhľad - úvod do dizajnov pre malé a stredné podniky (Attractive Appearance - an introduction to designs for small and medium sized businesses)
  • Uč sa z histórie, vytváraj budúcnosť (Learn from history, create the future)
  • Vynaliezanie budúcnosti - úvod do problematiky patentov pre malé a stredné podniky (Inventing the future - an introduction to patents for SMEs)
  • Tvoj vlastný svet duševného vlastníctva - úvod do problematiky duševného vlastníctva (Your own world of intellectual property - an introduction to intellectual property!)
  • Elektronické podávanie medzinárodných patentových prihlášok - názov hovorí za všetko (Electronic filing of international patent applications - the name says it all)
  • Kyliánová D. - Lalíková L.: Hodnota značky a jej podiel na nehmotnom majetku podniku. 2010. 5,- €
    Kyliánová D. - Lalíková L.: The value of a brand and its share in the intangible assets of an enterprise. 2010. 5,- €)

Malý slovenský panteón vedy a techniky (obálka)Ján Barica: Small Slovak Pantheon of Science and Technology, Institute of Science and Technology of the Slovak Republic, 2004 134 p., price 4,97 €

The publication was created by the renowned Slovak writer of non-fiction and popularizer of science and technology Dr. Ján Barica, an author awarded with several important prizes from literary institutions, laureate of the Vojtech Zamarovsky Award for lifetime contribution to the field of non-fiction. In this his latest book publication, he has undertaken to broaden the readers' knowledge horizons in the history of important technical inventions and scientific discoveries made on the Slovak territory by personalities of Slovak origin, but also by personalities who, although not of Slovak origin, were born on Slovak territory, mostly lived among our people, and with their pioneering work made their mark on our history.

In the book we will not only find the inventors and discoverers themselves, but also the creators of significant overall scientific contributions and monographic syntheses, which were the result of the creative efforts and life focus of our personalities. Dr. Barica introduces them through basic data and facts.

The author has mainly pursued a popularizing perspective, which is why he has already emphasized the informative rather than the strictly scientific aspect of the material in the basic layout of the work. The book can also be very well used in the educational process, where, alongside the giants of world science and technology, students should also become acquainted with our pioneers.

Judgments of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office, volumes 1 and 2 Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic, Banská Bystrica, 2001, ISBN (Volume 1) 80-88994-12-8 and Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic, Prague, 2001, ISBN (Volume 2) 80-7282-012-5

The aim of the above publications is to make the judicial decisions of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office on specific provisions of the European Patent Convention more accessible and accessible to a wide professional public.This is a translation of the original published by the European Patent Office in 1998. Although the publications are published in Czech and Slovak, the two volumes form an inseparable whole and are harmoniously related to each other.The publications can only be purchased together, volumes 1 and 2 for a total of €24.89

International Patent Classification, 8th Edition (2006), Basic Level, Volumes 1-5, Sections A-H (+Handbook)

In December 2005, the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic published the Slovak version of the International Patent Classification (IPC) in printed, book form in view of the entry into force of its eighth edition on 1 January 2006.

The book publication International Patent Classification. 8th Edition (2006), which is a reformed version of the MPT at the basic level, consists of five volumes:

Volume 1 - Sections A - B, price: €9.62
Volume 2 - Sections C - D, price: € 6,63
Volume 3 - Sections E - F, price: 6,30 €
Volume 4 - Sections G - H, price: 7,96 €
Volume 5 - MPT Manual, price: 2,32 €

whereby each section deals with the following areas of technology:


The electronic form of this publication and further information on patent grading is given in the section on classification systems (systémom triedenia).

Search services in sources of patent information (inventions, technical solutions, designs and designations of products and services and designations of origin) are intended for the public.

The Office shall prepare a search report on the basis of a request from the customer, which shall contain a list or, where appropriate, more detailed data on documents containing relevant patent information. Searches shall be carried out in available databases and information sources. The form and content of the search assignment as well as the scope of the search results may be agreed in consultation with the Office's expert staff.

Telephone contact to the search offices:

Trade mark search: 048/ 4300 123 and 048/ 430 127

Design search, patent search: 048/ 4300 276

The Office offers two types of searches to those interested in patent searches:

Patent search on the state of the art - the subject of the assignment may be a product, device or technology described by technical design features. The client may specify the keywords and/or symbols of the patent classification in the assignment independently or in consultation with the relevant Office expert. The more specific and detailed the search assignment, the more relevant the search results. Too general a search term may lead to a large number of documents being found.

The search shall result in a search report in the form of an unstructured list of the documents found. The list may include active links to found documents in freely available databases, which the client can use to view the original documents and their possible patent families (equivalents of the same document published in different countries).

Patent search with commentary - unlike a prior art search report, a patent search report with commentary is structured and supplemented by a brief commentary on the content of each of the documents listed therein. In addition, the documents cited in the commentary search report are interpreted by symbols of relevance to the subject matter of the search. The relevance symbols indicate the relative novelty or inventive step of the subject matter of the search.

Details (Podrobnosti (PDF, 96,3 kB)) of the patent search with commentary and a sample search report (result) (vzor rešeršnej správy (PDF, 88,4 kB)). 


The search can be ordered by filling in the relevant form Order of search, which is located on the website of the Industrial Property Office in the section Documents and forms and sending it by e-mail to or by post to the address of the Office.


This service is charged according to the Price List of Services of the Office of the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic (Cenníka služieb ÚPV SR (PDF, 162,5 kB)) in accordance with the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 18/1996 Coll. on Prices, as amended. The price list is available on the website of the Office, also in the study room of the Office or can be sent to you on request.

The documents contained in the search report are generally valid for the territory of the Slovak Republic and are purely informative. Searches are carried out by the Office's staff in the information sources available to the Office on the date of the search. The results of the searches in the form of a search report shall not be the basis for the issuance of a decision of the Office for the Protection of Industrial Property of the Slovak Republic, nor for any other legal action, e.g. for actions relating to the proceedings in respect of any application for the subject matter of an industrial property filed in the Slovak Republic or abroad.


Continuous monitoring of the state of the art in the field or fields of the art and the States specified by the Customer and periodic transmission of copies of relevant published patent documents or specified parts thereof. By monitoring patent documents, the user gains an overview and orientation of the state of the art and development trends in the field of interest.

  1. The monitoring of profiles and sending of patent documentation of countries available to the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic is a new service provided by the Office to interested professionals and the general public, patent attorneys, research institutes, schools, companies and organisations, etc.
  2. Monitoring of profiles means continuous monitoring of the state of the art - monitoring in the field or fields and countries specified by the ordering party and periodic transmission of the relevant published patent documents or their specified parts.
  3. The user shall indicate in the order the field of technology in which he/she is interested in monitoring the state of the art within the patent documentation, both verbally and by means of the International Patent Classification (MPT - see below). Furthermore, the user shall indicate the countries in which the state of the art in the specified field is to be monitored, the output requirement, i.e. the entire document or the cover page, and the method of delivery of the documents.
  4. By permanently following the profiles of published descriptions of patent applications and registered utility models, the user gains an overview and orientation on the state of the art and development trends in the field of interest
  5. By following the profiles of published descriptions of granted patents and registered utility models, the user obtains information on whether a particular invention or technical solution has been granted a patent or has been registered as a utility model, and thus whether it is potentially subject to industrial law protection within the Slovak Republic or abroad
  6. For this purpose, a profile is understood as a list of entries consisting of the International Patent Classification characters within one particular field of technology in the form of complete classification characters of the main groups, e.g. C 04 B 7/00, or subgroups, e.g. C 04 B 7/147, or incomplete classification characters with a right-hand extension, e.g. C 04 B 7*.
  7. Example: the user is interested in monitoring the state of the art in the field of installation of fibre optic cables underground or underwater. The order specifies, among other things:Field of technology : installation of fibre optic cables underground or underwater MPT inputs:
    G 02 B 6/46
    G 02 B 6/5*
    H 02 G 9*
  8. The specified profile consists of three inputs. The asterisk at input 2 and 3 indicates the right-hand extension of the above MPT groups by all relevant subgroups which are hierarchically lower in the classification and belong to the domain of the technique under consideration. Input No 3 also indicates that the user is also interested in following the state of the art in the field of installation of optical conductors in combination with electrical conductors. If necessary, the user can further "refine" inputs 2 and 3 - i.e. specify the art in detail by providing the full MPT features instead of asterisks (as in input 1) at the cost of providing more inputs.
  9. In case of problems with the classification of the relevant field of technology according to the MPT, the user may use the advisory services of the staff of the study and search office of the Office of the Office of the Register of Inventions and Utility Models, or experts from the field of inventions and utility models.

Countries where profile tracking is possible:

  1. SLOVAKIA* - published patent applications, patents, utility models
  2. CZECH REPUBLIC* - published patent applications, patents, utility models
  3. EPO** - European patents or published patent applications
  4. WIPO** - published international patent applications under the PCT
  5. GERMANY** - published patent applications, patents, utility models
  6. USA** - patents
  7. UK** - published patent applications
  8. JAPAN** - published patent applications, patents, utility models
  9. FRANCE** - published patent applications,
  10. RUSSIA* - patents
  11. SWITZERLAND* - patents
  12. AUSTRIA* - patents and utility models
  13. CANADA* - patents
  14. BENELUX* - patents or published patent applications


First pages with bibliographical data, annotation and figure (if available)full texts of patent documents


Monthly (if desired and, where possible, for selected countries, weekly)


  1. Profile introduction
    1. up to 20 entries within one profile - 3,31 €
    2. each additional entry within the same profile - 0,33 €
    3. any change, addition or deletion of one entry within an already established profile - 0,33 €

2. monthly flat rate

    1. up to 5 countries marked ** within the profile - 1,99 €
    2. each additional country marked ** within the same profile - 0,49 €
    3. up to 5 countries marked * within a profile - 1,32 €
    4. each additional country marked * within the same profile - 0,33 €

3. printing documents from CD ROM

    1. A4 format (single-sided) - 0,09 €/sheet (3 Sk/ sheet)
    2. A4 format (double-sided) - 0,13 €/sheet (4 Sk/ sheet)

4. export of documents in electronic TIFF format - 0,01 €/page
5. postage - according to the basic maximum rates for national postal and telecommunication servicese-mail (package of files in TIFF format compressed in ZIP format) - 0,16 €
6. floppy disk or CD ROM with the content of exported documents (package of files in TIFF format compressed in ZIP format)- according to the purchase price of the medium

Order form for tracking patent document profiles (Formulár objednávky na sledovanie profilov patentových dokumentov)

Price list of services of the Office of the Patent Office of the Slovak Republic (Cenník služieb ÚPV SR)

The Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as "the Office") announces that the date of the professional examinations for the performance of the activities of a patent attorney (Section 6 of Act No. 344/2004 Coll.) and the examinations of the competence to assess the legal knowledge of a European Community patent attorney (Section 7 of Act No. 344/2004 Coll.) is set for 7 and 8 November 2024.

The application for the professional examinations shall be submitted to the Office in writing, together with a certified proof of higher education, a certificate of acquired experience (Section 4 of Act No 344/2004 Coll.), proof of payment of the administrative fee for the professional examination (Section 6(5) of Act No 344/2004 Coll.) and a signed instruction on the processing of personal data. The above documents must be submitted to the Office no later than 4 October 2024 at the following address:

Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic
Švermova 43, 974 04 Banská Bystrica

The administrative fee for submitting the application shall be paid according to the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 145/1995 Coll. on administrative fees as amended pol. 214 (b) to the account of the Office:

Account name - Deposit account
IBAN - SK4981800000007000060750
Constant symbol - 0558
Amount - 50,00 €
In the message to the recipient, please state: PZ exams name

Further information: 
Lívia Tušimová
Tel.: 048/4300 118

Information on the processing of personal data is available on our website:

You will use your brand in your business every day.

But did you know that your mark, brand, logo are not automatically protected from copying and use by others?

The solution is to register your trademark with the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic. Registered trademark:

  • Increase the value of your company, product or service
  • Distinguishes your products and services from the competition
  • Creates an asset for your company - the value of a trademark in monetary terms is often even higher than other company assets
  • Helps you build your identity
  • Protects the product or service from being used, copied or counterfeited
  • Helps you avoid disputes with competitorsHelps you grow and develop your business economically
  • The validity of the trademark is 10 years, but you can renew it indefinitely

Trademark application costs from 96 Euros if you register it electronically. How do you register a trademark? Very simply, a short video tutorial can be found here (krátky videonávod nájdete tu.)

You can have your trademark published within 30 working days from the filing date if you use the Fast Track service (30 pracovných dní od dátumu podania).

Beware of scammers! The Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic is the only body that registers trademarks in Slovakia.

If you need general information, please contact us on 048 43 00 111 or by email at

You can use the services of patent agents or attorneys  (patentových zástupcov alebo advokátov) to register your intellectual property rights.

Is published twice a month and contains information about:

  • patents,
  • European patents intended for the Slovak Republic,
  • supplementary protection certificates,
  • utility models,
  • designs,
  • trademarks,
  • designations of origin and geographical indications,
  • topographies of semiconductor products and
  • official notices

All information are arranged in  headers with corresponding codes according to WIPO Standard ST. 17.

Official versions of the gazette of the IPO SR:

  • year editions 1993 to 2007 printed form of the Gazette
  • year editions  2008 to 2015 Gazette published on CD ROM in PDF format, available on the website
  • year editions 2016 to 2020 free online version 
  • since 2021, free online version with a changed frequency of twice-monthly publication

Any form of the Gazette other than the official version issued by the Authority in the relevant year may not contain all the parts and particulars of the official version and is not a basis for legal action.

Issue number Publication date
  1/2025 (PDF, 12,3 MB) 15.01.2025
  2/2025 (PDF, 14,5 MB) 29.01.2025
  3/2025 (PDF, 15,7 MB) 12.02.2025
  4/2025 (PDF, 16,9 MB) 26.02.2025
  5/2025 12.03.2025
  6/2025 26.03.2025
  7/2025 09.04.2025
  8/2025 23.04.2025
  9/2025 07.05.2025
10/2025 28.05.2025
11/2025 11.06.2025
12/2025 25.06.2025
13/2025 16.07.2025
14/2025 30.07.2025
15/2025 13.08.2025
16/2025 27.08.2025
17/2025 10.09.2025
18/2025 24.09.2025
19/2025 15.10.2025
20/2025 29.10.2025
21/2025 12.11.2025
22/2025 26.11.2025
23/2025 10.12.2025
24/2025 23.12.2025