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Anti-corruption program of the IPO SR

The Anti-Corruption Programme of IPO SK (PDF, 595,4 kB) has been developed in accordance with Government Resolution No. 585/2018 of 12 December 2018, which approved the Anti-Corruption Policy of the Slovak Republic for the years 2019-2023.

The addressees of the Anti-Corruption Programme of the Office of the SR are all employees of the Office and its purpose is to provide them with a set of concrete steps to prevent corruption, in particular by managing corruption risks and reducing the scope for their emergence and existence.

The evaluation of the implementation of the tasks resulting from the Anti-Corrpution Programme of the Office for 2022 (PDF, 109,7 kB) was prepared in accordance with Government Resolution No 585/2018, which approved the Anti-Corruption Policy of the Slovak Republic for 2019-2023.