Designations of origin and geographical indications of products

Documents and forms

Public declarations

Fight against counterfeiting and piracy




Standards and recommendations

Standards in the field of industrial law information are documents of a normative nature, which regulate the rules and rules for the indication of data on industrial property objects by the competent authorities, but also, for example, the form and particulars of patent or utility model application documents filed by applicants or patent agents.

Standards with international validity are issued by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), and are therefore also known as WIPO standards. They are referred to by the abbreviation ST (or WIPO ST) and the serial number of the standard. Some are based on international standards issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

For example, WIPO standards regulate the form of patent documents issued by patent offices, the rules for the inclusion of bibliographic data in bulletins, databases and patent documents, the structure of bulletins, etc. They specify requirements for the adaptation of the documents supporting patent or utility model applications filed by applicants or their attorneys to facilitate their processing, e.g. scanning and automated post-filing processing at the offices.

The Industrial Property Office uses WIPO standards in the Bulletin, in databases on the Internet, in issued patent documents and in other official Office outputs. Knowledge of the current version of the WIPO standards can help users of industrial law information when working with patent documents, conducting searches, working with databases, etc., to better understand the information disclosed in relation to industrial rights subject matter. For example, the ST.22 standard is partially implemented in the Office's instructions to applicants for patent and utility model applications.

A list of the most widely used WIPO standards is given in the table below. Translations of the standards listed therein into the Slovak language and information on their implementation in the WIPO will be added gradually.


StandardShort translation of the titleImplementation in IPO SK

Minimum elements in the data to uniquely identify the patent document


Method of marking calendar dates


Two-letter code designations of countries and international organisations

Codes and list of countries with Slovak standardized names (PDF, 37,4 kB) (also listed in each Bulletin of the Office of IPO SK)


Numbering of published patent documents


Bibliographic data of patents (utility models) and supplementary protection certificates


Numbering of applications for all types of industrial property


Listing references cited in patent documents


Codes for patent document types


Header codes of notices in the Official Gazettes

Codes and headings in the Bulleting of IPO SK (PDF, 66,9 kB)
ST.22 (PDF, 1,1 MB)

Editing patent applications (utility model applications) into optical character recognition (OCR) format

Instruction of the IPO SK (patents), instruction of the IPO SK (utility designs)


Corrections, changes and additions related to patent information


Bibliographic data of trade marks


Bibliographic data of designs


 Please note: The Slovak translations are not authentic versions of the standards, they are for informational purposes only and have not been subjected to language editing! The current standards in authentic English, French and Spanish are available in the WIPO Handbook on Industrial Property Information and Documentation.

The development, revision and adoption of WIPO standards is carried out by the Committee on WIPO Standards (abbreviated as CWS), whose members include WIPO Member States as well as those Member States of the Paris Union and the Berne Union that are not members of WIPO. The previous name of the Committee was the Standing Committee on Information Technologies (SCIT).

The use of WIPO standards by the relevant authorities contributes to the harmonization of practices related to the processing of data in the application process, facilitates international cooperation in the standardization of industrial law information and documentation and enables international exchange.