Trade marks and designs
A trade mark is a sign used by entities to mark their goods or services in order to distinguish them from other entities producing the same goods or providing the same services.
Design means the external modification of a product or part thereof consisting of the characters, in particular the lines, contours, colours, shape, texture or material of the product itself or of its decoration.
Design is a visually perceptible feature or component of the overall design of a product. Design is not the technical, structural, functional, material or other essence of a product.
- What has changed in Slovakia in relation to the filing of trademark applications after the trademark reform? (Čo sa na Slovensku zmenilo vo vzťahu k podaniam prihlášok ochranných známok po známkovej reforme?)
- What has changed in trademark proceedings in Slovakia after the trademark reform? (Čo sa na Slovensku zmenilo v konaní o ochranných známkach po známkovej reforme?)
- What has changed in litigation proceedings in Slovakia after the trade mark reform? (Čo sa na Slovensku zmenilo v sporových konaniach po známkovej reforme?)