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Provision of information pursuant to Act No. 211/2000 Coll. on Free Access to Information and on Amendments and Additions to Certain Acts, as amended

The Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as the Office), pursuant to Act No. 211/2000 Coll. on Free Access to Information and on Amendments and Additions to Certain Acts, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the Info Act), publishes the information available to it.

Information on the Office's procedure, the Office's powers and competences and an overview of the regulations governing the Office's provision of information, the schedule of fees and the possibility of  lodging an appeal against the Office's decision to refuse to make the requested information available are freely accessible in the lobby of the Office at 43 Švermova Street in Banská Bystrica and on the Office's website.

The Office is obliged to publish the information on its website and on the information board located in the lobby of the Office's headquarters in accordance with the Info Act: 

  1. the manner of establishment of the Office, its powers and competences and a description of its organisational structure,
  2. the place, time and manner in which information may be obtained; information on where an application, suggestion, suggestion, complaint or other submission may be made,
  3. the place, time limit and manner of lodging a remedy and the possibility of judicial review of a decision of the Office, including an indication of the requirements to be met when lodging a remedy,
  4. the procedure to be followed by the Office in dealing with all requests, applications and other submissions, including the relevant time limits to be observed,
  5. a summary of the regulations, instructions, instructions, interpretative opinions under which the Office acts and decides or which govern the rights and obligations of natural persons and legal persons in relation to the Office,
  6. the scale of administrative charges levied by the Office for administrative acts and the scale of reimbursement of the material costs of disclosure of information.

Furthermore, the Office is obliged to publish the information in accordance with the Info Act through its website or the website designated for the given agenda:

  1. selected parts of the registers and lists maintained by the Office accessible to the public,
  2. materials of a conceptual and strategic nature,
  3. the texts of proposed legislation via the Legislation Portal,
  4. identification of immovable property and movable property, the acquisition price of which was higher than 20 times the minimum wage, which the Authority has transferred into the ownership of a person other than a public authority, the date of the change of ownership and the legal title, as well as information on the personal data and other identifying data of the persons who have acquired ownership of the property, for at least one year from the date of such transfer,
  5. the texts of the compulsorily published contracts through the Comprehensive List of Contracts and the Central Register of Contracts
  6. orders for goods and services and invoices for goods and services.