Designations of origin and geographical indications of products

Documents and forms

Public declarations

Fight against counterfeiting and piracy




Other useful links

Copyright and rights related to copyright

  • the website of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic, its purpose is to provide basic information, in particular on the legal regulation of copyright and rights related to copyright, and to provide up-to-date information on activities and the latest trends in the field.

Domain names

  • a page dedicated to the administration of the .sk top-level domain reserved for the Slovak Internet.
    information on how to register and obtain a .eu domain, its history and the timetable for its introduction

Slovak Institute of Technical Standardization (SITN)

  • an institution for the creation, approval and publication of Slovak technical standards, the fulfilment of obligations arising from international treaties and membership in international and European standardisation organisations.

WIPO Standards

  • The standards, recommendations and guidelines of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) relate to information and documentation in the field of patents, trademarks and designs. They facilitate the harmonisation of internal practices of offices related to the processing of data relating to IPR proceedings. At the same time, they enable the international exchange of industrial law information, its sharing and dissemination, as well as its accessibility and comprehensibility for different user groups.

International non-proprietary names of pharmaceutical substances (INNs)

Support for research, science and technology

  • A dedicated web portal for the promotion and popularisation of science and technology, offering scholarships, internships, grants, a list of conferences and seminars, information on inventors, discoveries and interesting facts in the field of science and technology, as well as opportunities for industrial protection. It aims to inform, to provide a space for discussion, to publish work, to exchange experiences and ideas.

Slovak Academy of Sciences

The Slovak Academy of Sciences presents its results in basic and applied research. It carries out its activities through 70 organisations. It publishes 54 titles of scientific and professional journals and 8 yearbooks. There are 49 scientific societies attached to the Academy of Sciences, which operate as civil associations.

Agency for the Promotion of Research and Development (APVV)
The main mission of the Agency is to support cutting-edge basic and applied research and development in all fields of science and technology, including the promotion of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research. Quality is the basic premise of support for R&D.

Association of Slovak Scientific and Technical Societies (ZSVTS)
The professional mission of the Union is to help raise the level of science and technology in Slovakia, to develop education and international cooperation in the field of science and technology, to solve tasks within the framework of the state technical policy.

AMAVET - Association for Youth, Science and Technology
non-governmental, non-profit, interest and educational organization for children and youth. Its aim is to develop collective and individual activities, to develop the creative abilities of children and youth in their free time, making full use of the latest knowledge of science and technology. The Association fulfils the objectives of non-formal education of children and young people in the field of science and technology.

Institute of Information and Forecasting of Education
a special-purpose institution of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic, whose main function is the production of information to support the management and development of areas falling within the administrative competence of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic.

Slovak Academic Information Agency (SAIA)
Portal of the National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic to support mobility of students, doctoral students, university teachers and researchers.

Business support

National Agency for Small and Medium Enterprise Development
An agency to support the development and growth of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Slovak Republic with regard to national structural, industrial, technical, regional and social policy. It coordinates activities, including financial, at international, national, regional and local levels.

Enterprise Europe Network

A European Commission initiative, the network provides entrepreneurs with comprehensive and easily accessible advice and support on entrepreneurship, innovation and research. It integrates networks of Euro Info Centres (EICs), Innovation Relay Centres (IRCs) and SME support services to participate in the 7th Framework Programme. It brings together more than 500 organisations in nearly 40 countries.

BIC Bratislava
Business and Innovation Centre - Business and Innovation Centre - main focus is business and innovation consultancy, international technology transfer, financial consultancy, regional development, project management and investment consultancy.

Collection of Laws of the Slovak Republic
the texts of the Collection of Laws are compiled from electronic documents supplied by the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic, but are not authorised by it and are not legally binding.

  • a site dedicated to news for public administration - information on taxes, business and trade, accounting, labour, financial and commercial law, social policy.

Slovak Agency for Investment and Trade Development (SARIO)
The Slovak Agency for Investment and Trade Development (SARIO) is a contributory organisation of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic financed from the state budget. SARIO's main objective is to raise the standard of living of Slovak citizens by increasing employment and reducing regional disparities.SARIO also aims to support the export activities of Slovak entrepreneurs and the administration of European Union structural funds.

Europe and the world

EPO - International Academy
The Academy promotes and develops, in cooperation with the Member States, education in European and international patent law, prepares candidates for the European Qualification Examinations, and organises seminars with different focuses.

Europe - the EU portal


Slovak information server on events in the European Union. It provides a comprehensive collection of up-to-date articles and analyses from various areas of European politics and its Slovak context. It is an information gateway to the world of European integration for public authorities, companies, media and civil associations. By publishing analyses, it also provides space for presenting the results of its own research.