Final theses of the course Intellectual property 2000 - 2005: authors, titles, supervisors
* - external course participants
Author: Bednárová Lívia, Ing.
Year: 2004
Final thesis: Reform of international patent classification
Thesis supervisor: Marčok Rastislav, Ing.
Reform and revision works and the general status of the reform of the International Patent Classification in accordance with the preparation of its new version 8th edition. The history of the creation of the international patent classification with the introduction of the basic terms used in the system of international patent classification. The reform of the international patent classification itself, its essential features, the revision and reform programme and the results achieved during the reform period. The most important changes introduced during the reform period, its significant impact on the work of the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic in the field of patents and utility models, as well as the tasks of the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic in connection with the reform of the international patent classification.
Author: Belička Ivan, Ing.
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Methods and methods of valuation of industrial rights
Thesis supervisor: Mrázová Margita, Ing.
Summarizing the methods and methods of valuation used in the valuation of industrial rights of enterprises, deals with the history and especially the reasons for such valuation in the light of the current legal regulations that occurred after the social changes at the end of the eighties, and consequently in relation to them the methods and methods of valuation of industrial rights themselves. The last part deals with expert activity and expert opinion in the light of the related legal regulations. It highlights current practice in the valuation of industrial rights and provides information on the world's most valuable brands.
Author: Bocko Ján, Ing.
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Analysis of the state of industrial law protection in the Slovak Republic and its comparison with neighbouring countries
Thesis supervisor: Puobišová Beata, Ing.
Essential information on industrial law protection in the Slovak Republic. Historical development of industrial law protection in Slovakia. Individual types of industrial law protection, establishment of the Industrial Property Office, development of industrial law protection from 1993 to 2001. Comparison of the level of industrial law protection in the Slovak Republic with the neighbouring countries of the Visegrad Four and also with the two G7 countries and with Denmark, which is comparable for us.
Author: Brezák Ján, Ing.*
Year: 2003
Final thesis: Contract for know-how as an annex to a licence agreement
Thesis supervisor: Harvan Ladislav, Ing.
Licences granted for the use of inventions protected by patents or utility models in a number of cases presuppose a second contract, the know-how contract. Analysis of the practical framework of the use of licensing agreements for industrial property objects, or contracts for the provision and use of know-how, as well as mixed types of contractual acts representing the intersection between the right to use a protected technical solution and the right to use the know-how related to this technical solution. A practical approach to extracting as well as evaluating the pros, cons and pitfalls of entering into licensing or know-how agreements.
Author: Brezňanová Ingrid, Ing.
Year: 2002
Thesis: Theory and practice of patenting biotechnological inventions, their significance, use and ethical dimension
Thesis supervisor: Hančíková Jolana, Ing.
Current issues of specifics of patenting of biotechnological inventions. Introduction to the issue from the point of view of the relations between ethics, morality and the development of modern biotechnology - the main problems occurring in this field of technology. Presentation of legislative regulations concerning the most prominent contradictions between the ethical principles of society and the industrial use of biotechnological inventions, associated with their patent protection. On the basis of concrete examples, mainly from the most problematic area of recombinant DNA technology, the procedures, basic methodology and principles applied in assessing patentability and granting protection to biotechnological inventions, with conclusions based primarily on the practice of the European Patent Office.
Author: Bhutaniová Zuzana, Ing.
Year: 2004
Final thesis: Patentability in the field of pharmaceuticals
Thesis supervisor: Ľudmila Faboková, Ing.
Patent protection of pharmaceutical products, because for this kind of inventions it is the strongest protection. Examples from the practice of the European Patent Office. References to decisions of the Boards of Appeal are given in specific cases. Special types of inventions in this field, permissible and impermissible wordings of patent claims. First and second medical uses and allowable claim wordings. Brief explanation of the aspects to be taken into account when assessing the conditions of patentability of inventions relating to the field of pharmacy.
Author: Čechvalová Anna, Ing.
Year: 2004
Final thesis: Community patent
Thesis supervisor: Kyliánová Darina, Ing.
The reasons for the establishment of the Community patent, a cross-section of the history of the work on its introduction, a comparison with the already existing possibility of protection and a selection of some articles of the draft Regulation on the Community patent and a proposal for a revised part of the European Patent Convention relating to this area. Recent developments in the current period.
Author: Dandulová Tatiana, Ing.
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Utility models in Europe
Supervisor: Ľudmila Faboková, Ing.
Information not only about utility models, but also about all alternative forms of protection of inventions, as they appear under different names in some European countries. A summary and comparison of the significant differences in the scope of utility model protection in the selected countries: Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Denmark and Finland. A proposal for a Directive on the protection of inventions by utility models, which seeks to approximate and harmonise the basic principles of utility model protection within the European Union. A table containing the characteristics and a comparison of the basic data of national utility model arrangements in other European countries.
Author: Dibdiaková Drahomíra, JUDr.*
Year: 2002
Final Thesis: Industrial Design Rights and their Judicial Protection
Thesis supervisor: Švidroň Ján, prof. JUDr., CSc.
Trademarks, trade name and designation of origin of products as intangible goods, which are mainly used in business activities. Concepts, functions and rights. Legal possibilities of application and enforcement of rights to the objects of this industrial property and forms of decisions by which courts decide on their granting.
Author: Drahoš Daniel, Ing.*
Year: 2004
Final thesis: The right to designation in practice
Thesis supervisor: Hajnalová Zdena, Ing.
The use of signs, especially trade name and trademark in the context of the current legislation. Extended protection of marks in litigation and changes in the marking of goods offered by retail chains.
Author: Dudášková Anna, Ing.
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Comparison of the Madrid system with the Community trade mark system
Thesis supervisor: Dibdiak Ľubomír, Ing.
The Madrid system and the Community trade mark system allow to provide protection in several countries by means of a single application, filed in one office, with one fee in one currency. The thesis deals with the comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the Madrid system and the Community trade mark system from the point of view of a Slovak applicant. In particular, a comparison of the application, procedure, country, changes and fees.
Author: Gach Ferdinand, Ing.*
Year: 2004
Final thesis: Creative activity, its results and management in a company
Thesis supervisor: Puobišová Beata, Ing.
Standard for management of the company's activity in the field of industrial rights. The need for innovation at every step of business activity of all entities that want to stay on the market. Differences between the results achieved in Europe, USA and Japan. Capturing creative workers - the need to create the right conditions for the development of their creativity. Experiences from enterprises in the Czech and Slovak Republics. Own corporate standard for managing the company's activities in the above-mentioned area. Definitions of individual objects that are the result of creative activity in the company and can be protected. The standard defines the relations between the employer and employees, describes the procedures for the management of individual activities and the responsibility for their implementation.
Author: Gašperanová Dana, Mgr.
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Communication in the activities of the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic
Thesis supervisor: Puobišová Beata, Ing.
Communication as a manifestation and condition of successful interpersonal interaction and the importance of its implementation to ensure the effective functioning of the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic. Analysis of the structure of the communication process, communication models, forms of communication and barriers that slow down, limit or completely prevent the exchange of information. The course of the communication process in the context of the activities carried out by the Office. Characteristics of the forms of official communication, in particular written and oral communication, communication noise and ways of reducing it. Implementation of the Project for strengthening the activities of the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic. Public relations and methods of conflict resolution, which are an essential part of interpersonal contacts.
Author: Gazdík Slavomír, Ing.
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Patent claims and categories of inventions
Thesis supervisor: Ľudmila Faboková, Ing.
Essential information about patent claims and categories of inventions. Stages of development of the solution of a technical problem, which already suggest the given category of invention and the resulting form of definition of patent claims. Selected most commonly used forms of patent claims with their characteristics and also a comparison of three different forms of patent claims on one example (subject matter). Categories of inventions - each category is supported by a characterization - what that category is for. Examples of how the subject matter of the category should be defined by the prescribed form of patent claims.
Author: Gazdíková Jaroslava, Ing.*
Year: 2004
Final thesis: Current possibilities of using state support for the creation and acquisition of intellectual property objects and their protection
Thesis supervisor: Mrázová Margita, Ing.
Possibilities of using financial resources from pre-accession funds, structural funds of the European Union, as well as from the state budget of the Slovak Republic. The thesis also provides an overview of advisory and information services for entrepreneurs and other state activities aimed at the development of entrepreneurship in the Slovak Republic.
Author: Hajnalová Zdena, Ing.
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Community stamp and the Slovak Republic
Thesis supervisor: Bachratý Ján, Ing.
The basic features of the Community trade mark system under Council Regulation No. 40/94 and the implications arising from the automatic extension of this system in the field of trade mark rights in a new EU Member State.
Author: Hančuľáková Zuzana, Mgr.
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Patent documents issued by selected offices of the member countries of the European Patent Convention
Thesis supervisor: Marčok Rastislav, Ing.
Patent documents published by selected offices of EPC member states with emphasis on the title page as the most representative part of the patent document. In the light of the related WIPO standards, it deals with the analysis of bibliographic data, the way of their presentation and arrangement on the title page, the analysis of the numbering systems used for applications and published documents for patents, utility models and supplementary protection certificates, the analysis of the types of patent documents published by the selected offices, as well as the format, physical characteristics and treatment of the internal text of the document.
Author: Heger Branislav, Ing.
Year: 2004
Final thesis: Industrial property objects as objects of pledge
Thesis supervisor: Bachratý Ján, Ing.
Monitoring of the legislative and legal framework of the pledge law issues in relation to the objects of industrial property as prospective objects of secured transactions, with the indication of methods and procedures of the problem of determining the general value of intangible assets they represent.
Author: Heško Adam, Ing.*
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Accounting and tax aspects of industrial property rights in relation to the determination of their value in business practice
Thesis supervisor: Záthurecký Eugen, JUDr.
The value of the results of creative intellectual activity, the output of which are industrial and other intellectual property rights, represents a new economic phenomenon, where its further dynamic development can be assumed. In developed market economies, intellectual property is an essential part of the assets of enterprises, and in many cases its value is higher than that of the other tangible components of the enterprise's assets. Answer: "How to arrive at the value of individual industrial rights?" and describes the most commonly used methods leading to the determination of the value of industrial property rights. Valuation of industrial rights. Briefly discusses the accounting and tax aspects of this specific type of asset, focusing in particular on the accounting treatment of industrial rights in the assets of companies and the tax implications of individual transactions with industrial rights.
Author: Hladká Ľudmila, Ing.
Year: 2004
Final thesis: PCT reform and its impact on the applicant
Thesis supervisor: Kyliánová Darina, Ing.
The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), commonly known by the acronym PCT, is one of the most important treaties administered by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO). It is an international system of protection for inventions, which makes it possible to obtain patent protection for an invention, or any other type of protection allowed by national legislation, in several countries by filing a single so-called "international application". Practical experience has made it necessary to amend it, and the treaty has therefore been subject to revision since 2000. The content of the thesis is an explanation of the process of reform of the Treaty and the impact of these changes on the applicant.
Author: Chynoradský Ivan, Ing.*
Year: 2002
Final Thesis: Franchising
Thesis supervisor: Tuma Miroslav, prof. Miroslav Miroslav Tuma, PhDr. Ing., DrSc.
The issue of franchising as a modern method of business, which is suitable for application in the current period of transformation of the economy of the Slovak Republic. From the economic point of view, franchising is referred to as a method of production, distribution of goods and services by independent producers and traders who exhibit a common identity to the public.
Author: Jalůvka Miroslav*
Year: 2003
Final Thesis: Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights
Thesis supervisor: Vojčík Peter, prof. JUDr., CSc.
An area of intellectual property that has not been used in business practice and at the same time copyright infringement has occurred. The legal possibilities of application and enforcement of rights to the subject of intellectual property on the specific example of the company "Živnostenský, produkčný nalehovar" Diviaky nad Nitricou - the new owners, after the restitution in 1990, did not use some of their intangible assets. On the contrary, its competitor company from Bojnice (a completely new company with no tradition) made use of the industrial property right. The construction of the Cyril and Methodius monuments in Prievidza (personal experience and mistakes in securing) is also treated and evaluated. The memorial project from the investment plan through the competition law, the use of advertising, contract law to the independent implementation of the artwork, including copyright infringement on the architectural completion.
Author: Klubicová Katarína, Ing.
Year: 2004
Final thesis: Plants as an object of intellectual property
Thesis supervisor: Beňovská Katarína, Ing.
Legal protection of plants. Overview of intellectual property rights potentially useful in plant protection. The basic conditions of patentability and the application of these conditions to plants as subject matter of protection and the problems associated with it, as well as the basic conditions necessary for granting protection to new varieties. Comparison of protection by way of a patent and by way of a breeder's certificate; the problem of the possibility of partial overlapping of the rights of the owner of the patent and the owner of the breeder's certificate and its solution by means of a compulsory licence.
Author: Kokavcová Eva, Mgr.*
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Domain names
Thesis supervisor: Dibdiak Ľubomír, Ing.
Characteristics of the Internet, domain name, website, cybersquatting. Domain name registration system in Slovakia and in the world. Relationship between domain names and rights to designations (trademark and trade name). Practice and examples of domain name adjudication and litigation in the world. Proposal for modification of registration conditions.
Author: Křižková Alica, Mgr.*
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Protection of intellectual property rights and the Internet
Thesis supervisor: Švidroň Ján, prof. JUDr., CSc.
Internet as a transnational phenomenon. Copyright law and works published via the Internet. Abuse of trademarks. Modification of the determination of the names of individual web pages - domains. ICANN and SK-NIC registration rules. Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Rules and ICANN decisions. WIPO activities. Assessment of materials published on the Internet. The ambiguity or lack of normative regulation and the fact that normative work is lagging behind technical progress creates a sense of impunity for infringers of intellectual property rights published or used on the Internet and weakens the position of authors, performers, trademark owners, etc. to protect their intellectual property rights published or used on the Internet.
Author: Kyselicová Lukrécia, Ing.
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Uniformity of invention in chemical patent applications
Thesis supervisor: Jolana Hančíková, Ing.
An overview of the definitions of the requirement of uniformity of invention in selected national, regional and international regulations concerning inventions and also a brief list of principles that should be respected when assessing the uniformity of invention. An introduction to the practice of the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic in assessing the unity of invention in chemical patent applications. The procedure by which non-uniformity of invention can be eliminated during the prosecution of a patent application.
Author: Laco Ján, Ing.
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Patent documents of the European Patent Office and the World Intellectual Property Organization
Thesis supervisor: Marčok Rastislav, Ing.
Overview and comparison of patent documents issued by the European Patent Office (EPO) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and European Patent Agreement (EPC). The most important standards relating to patent documents (Standard ST. 16, ST. 3, ST. 9, ST. 6, ST. 10) issued by WIPO in the "Handbook on Industrial Property Information and Documentation". Analysis of patent documents issued by WIPO and EPO respectively in terms of their designation, numbering, format, bibliographic data, other data and types of patent documents. Comparison of individual documents, changes in the latest published documents. Examples of individual WIPO and EPO patent documents, as well as a list of countries and their associated codes.
Author: Ľupták Ján, Ing.*
Year: 2003
Final thesis: Analysis of the effectiveness of industrial law protection for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in the Slovak Republic
Thesis supervisor: Harvan Ladislav Ladislav, Ing.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of industrial law protection analyzed from the perspectives of: effectiveness of protection and economic benefit of protection. Basic analysis of the state of protection of industrial rights (patents, utility models and designs) and a suggestion under what conditions and what methods of protection to use in the process of effective evaluation of creativity of Slovak entities, especially individuals, small and medium entrepreneurs. A clear set of methodically compiled information, comparative tables and charts describing the current state and matrix of possible situations related to the effectiveness of industrial law protection in Slovakia (legal awareness, actions related to the grant, time required for the grant and duration of protection, scope of protection, effect and intensity of protection, financial costs of protection, etc.).
Author: Makovník Karol, Ing.
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Patent databases on CD-ROM and on the Internet
Thesis supervisor: Slobodník Marian, Ing.
Overview, content, data, form, criteria, outputs, availability and usability of patent databases published on optical discs (CD-ROM, DVD, ...) or accessible on the Internet. Characteristics of the patent information or database. Information on patent information on optical discs - characterisation of the discs themselves up to an overview of the most important databases issued on them. Patent information made available on the Internet - content of databases, their availability and usability. Analysis and comparison of these two different sources of patent information, as well as their practical use for doing different types of searches. Search methodology. Recommendations for users of patent databases. Several illustrative appendices from the websites of database providers and a complete list of the unique patent holdings of the Office of the Patent Office of the Slovak Republic.
Author: Maščeník Peter, Mgr.*
Year: 2001
Final thesis: Stimulation of improvement activities in Slovakia
Thesis supervisor: Tuma Miroslav, prof. Miroslav Miroslav Tuma, PhDr. Ing., DrSc.
Improvement law in the past and today. Legal nature and the concept of improvement proposal. The rights of the improver and the employer. Submission of an offer and contract of acceptance of an offer of an improvement proposal. Enterprise standard. Motivation of the creative subject, evaluation of motivation models, motivation rules. Example.
Author: Meško Jozef, Ing.*
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Comparison of patent and utility model protection
Thesis supervisor: Faboková Ľudmila, Ing.
Characteristics of patent and utility model. Comparison of conditions of protection (novelty, creative level, utility) and exclusions from protection, validity and effects. Deviation and simultaneous protection by patent and utility model.
Author: Mihálová Viera, Ing.
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Patent Gazettes issued by selected offices of the member countries of the European Patent Agreement
Thesis supervisor: Marčok Rastislav, Ing.
An overview and comparison of the content of the patent gazettes of some countries which are members of the European Patent Agreement (EPC) - Switzerland, Finland, Portugal, Germany, Spain, Great Britain and one country which is not a member of the EPC, Finland. The Handbook on industrial property information and documentation, published by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), which contains recommendations on disclosure in gazettes. Descriptions of the gazettes of each country, their contents, how to label the information contained in the gazettes using the recommendations of the Handbook or in the national language only, and summaries of the bibliographic data published with patent documents. Comparisons of some of the information published in the gazettes, the periodicity of the gazettes, the format of the gazettes and the use of handbook recommendations. A brief separate evaluation of the gazette of each country listed.
Author: Murček Elemír, Ing.
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Commercial Code and trademark law (unfair competition)
Thesis supervisor: Záthurecký Eugen, JUDr.
The issue of unfair competition in litigation proceedings before the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic, especially in opposition proceedings. Individual provisions of the Commercial Code, Paris Convention and trademark law concerning unfair competition. The author's view on the assessment of unfair competition in practice.
Author: Oravcová Jana, Mgr.
Year: 2004
Final thesis: Protection of designations of origin of products and geographical indications of products
Thesis supervisor: Bachratý Ján, Ing.
Protection of designations of origin and geographical indications of products, basic concepts, differences of requirements for obtaining protection and rights arising from the registration of a designation of origin or geographical indication under national law, the law of the European Union and the Lisbon Agreement on the protection of designations of origin and their international registration.
Author: Palkovičová Ľubica, Ing.*
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Effectiveness of trademark protection in the Slovak Republic
Thesis supervisor: Betková Andrea, Ing.
Trademark owner's rights - beginning, characteristics, scope. Influence of the action or inaction of the rights holder on the effectiveness of protection - use or non-use of the trademark. Loss of distinctiveness - grouping; Non-action of the owner of a prior senior trademark in connection with the use of a confusing registered trademark by another entity. Unfair conduct of the proprietor of a registered trade mark against a previously used unregistered sign. Market research, tracking advertising, conducting searches, tracking trade names, tracking publications and dictionaries. The impact of a trade mark and its effect on the consumer. Comparison of unregistered and registered trade mark rights.
Author: Patajová (Bruothová) Katarína, JUDr.*
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Selected aspects of the law of trade names
Thesis supervisor: Záthurecký Eugen, JUDr.
Briefly about the rights of designation - systematics, subject matter, international regulation. Trade names in the Slovak legal order and in the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. Confusability and deceptiveness of trade names. Problems of application practice and their possible solutions.
Author: Píšová Gabriela, Mgr.
Year: 2004
Final thesis: The importance of regional patent information centres for the development of small and medium-sized business
Thesis supervisor: Marčok Rastislav, Ing.
The importance of intellectual property and industrial law information in relation to small and medium-sized business. Industrial law information system in the past (in the former Czechoslovakia), establishment and building of the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic. The products and services of the Office and its activities aimed at popularising industrial property in order to raise public awareness in this area. The main reasons for the establishment, mission and tasks of the patent information centres and the contact points of the Office, which have been integrated into the network of regional patent information centres operating throughout Europe under the name PATLIB. Ten Slovak libraries where these centres and contact points started operating in 2003.
Author: Pitáková Alena, Ing.
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Technical progress and legal protection of intellectual property
Thesis supervisor: Puobišová Beata, Ing.
A brief historical overview of the technical creativity of mankind contains a selected fraction of the large body of knowledge, technical solutions and inventions that have influenced the current problems of mankind on Earth. It seeks to provide a systematic overview and historical summary of the progress of intellectual property, which is closely related to deepening international cooperation. Some important solutions created in our territory, as well as methods of protection of industrial rights and efforts to harmonize the Slovak patent law with the existing European patent system, which is part of the recent history.
Author: Rešutíková Jana, Ing.
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Licensing agreements
Thesis supervisor: Miščíková Renáta, JUDr.
A comprehensive view of licensing agreements. Contractual system in the field of industrial rights based on specific types of contracts, which follow the general regulation of the Commercial Code and the Civil Code (as lex generalis). Conditions for registration of the licence agreement in the registers of the Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic for all subjects of industrial rights separately, according to the applicable industrial law regulations.
Author: Risková Jana, Ing.
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Patentability of inventions
Thesis supervisor: Faboková Ľudmila, Ing.
Essential information on the basic conditions of patentability, which are of the nature of substantive conditions and are equivalent to each other. All essential information about the given conditions, without fulfillment of which it is impossible to grant a patent, is derived from the law. The conditions of patentability will be clarified by means of decisions issued by the European Patent Office, in accordance with the European Patent Agreement and Act No 435/2001 on patents, supplementary protection certificates and the amendment of certain laws. Explanation of the four criteria that must be met for an invention to be patentable, namely subject matter, novelty, inventive step and industrial applicability.
Author: Rišová Viera, Ing.
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Patent Gazettes of the European Patent Office and the World Intellectual Property Organization
Thesis supervisor: Marčok Rastislav, Ing.
Gazettes published by the European Patent Office (European Patent Bulletin) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (PCT Gazette). Basic terms used in the thesis, standards in the field of patent information, characteristics of WIPO and EPO, patent documentation of EPO, WIPO, content of PCT Gazette and European Patent Bulletin. Comparison of the contents of the gazettes.
Author: Sklenárová Mária, Ing.*
Year: 2004
Final thesis: Industrial property protection regulations in the conditions of Duslo, a.s., Šaľa
Thesis supervisor: Tuma Miroslav, prof. Ing. Miroslav Miroslav Tuma, PhDr., DrSc.
A comprehensive internal legal norm for multi-stage procedure, management of activities and decision-making in matters of industrial law protection subjects "Organization and management of industrial law activities in Duslo, a. s., Šaľa". Initiative programme - technical creative initiative of employees supported and managed by the company management. Assessment and decision-making in the central and sub-commissions for inventions and TK. System for assessing whether work tasks have been met or exceeded in relation to the invention, design or TK created.
Author: Slobodník Marián, Ing.
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Protection of computer programs
Thesis supervisor: Gregušová Daniela, doc. Daniela Greguz., JUDr., CSc.
The protection of computer programs is ensured by copyright law in most countries of the world. In the last two decades there has been a growing effort to protect computer programs through patent law. As a result of this effort, in some countries they can be granted patent protection and in others it is being considered to change the rules on patentability of inventions. Summary of developments to date in the protection of computer programs - current and near future developments. The attitudes and objectives of those seeking to address the issue of protection of computer programs.
Author: Suja Jozef, Ing.
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Proceedings before the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM)
Thesis supervisor: Bachratý Ján, Ing.
Basic principles of the Community trade mark system. The main mission of the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs). The system of proceedings before the Office, its legal framework, structure, principles and general rules of procedure, proof of facts, issues of payment of fees, choice of language in proceedings and the role of qualified representatives in the Community trade mark registration process.
Author: Šefčíková Miriam, Ing.*
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Valuation of intangible assets of a company
Thesis supervisor: Litváková Edita, Ing.
Intellectual capital is the most important asset of many of the world's largest and most powerful enterprises. The basis for market dominance and continuous profitability, often a key condition in mergers and acquisitions. The value of industrial property rights and risks. The valuation process as an economic concept of value and the legal concept of property. Characteristics of the methods (market-based, cost-based and based on an estimate of future revenues) and procedures that can guide the valuer in the valuation of intangible assets. Valuation of goodwill and trademark or trade name.
Author: Šipoš Georg, Ing
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Genericity of signs
Thesis supervisor: Záthurecký Eugen, JUDr.
Marking - definition, nomenclature, specifics from the point of view of trademark law. Signs, natural generic and grouped. Grouping as a result of an objective process. Factors of evaluation of the process of objective grouping. Grouping due to subjective causes. Aspects of the assessment of genericity. A survey of labels on speciation. Evaluation levels of the survey. Selected species designations according to the decisions of the SRB.
Author: Štiefelová Mária, Ing.
Year: 2002
Final thesis: Protection of pharmaceutical products
Thesis supervisor: Hančíková Jolana, Ing.
The most recent legislation on patent protection, which is the most common and strongest form of protection for pharmaceutical products. Supplementary protection certificates granted for pharmaceuticals. Basic pharmaceutical concepts in patent protection. Special types of inventions in this field, permissible and impermissible wording of patent claims. Categories of inventions. First and second medical use and permissible claim wording of the 'use' category. The most important parts of a drug application in order to be formally compliant.
Author: Štuller Pavel, Mgr.*
Year: 2002
Thesis: Historical genesis of methods of creativity
Thesis supervisor. Miroslav Miroslav Tuma, PhDr. Ing., DrSc.
Constructive elements of creativity in confrontation with the historical development of society and rationality in relation to creative activity. Genealogy of the main problems of creativity and their solutions - their influence on contemporary theories, their structural construction and historical context. Creativity and its importance in historical genesis from the creativity of the Greeks, Romans, Renaissance, Enlightenment, but especially a detailed assessment of the views of psychologists in the twentieth century practically up to the present (biological-social aspects, neurobiological approaches and their interaction with other schools).
Author: Tencerová Miroslava, JUDr. Ing.*
Year: 2004
Final thesis: Industrial Designation Rights and their Judicial Protection in the Slovak Republic
Thesis supervisor: Kopšová Oľga, JUDr.
Industrial rights of designation, which include the right of trademarks, the right of designations of origin of products and the right of trade names, the purpose of which is to distinguish the products, performances or services of entrepreneurs from the products and services of other entrepreneurs. Characteristics of the various industrial designations rights. Definition of the general conditions for the exercise of rights of judicial protection. Specific procedures and means of legal protection of the right to designations, including criminal protection.