International, regional and foreign institutions
The country and institution codes, consisting of two letters and preceded by the name of the country or the abbreviation of the institution, are taken from WIPO Standard ST.3. For more detailed information on industrial property standards and recommendations, please refer to the relevant page with the link provided in the related references.
International and regional institutions
Code | Institution | Address |
WO | WIPO | Svetová organizácia duševného vlastníctva |
EP | EPO | Európsky patentový úrad |
EM1 | EUIPO | Úrad Európskej únie pre duševné vlastníctvo |
BX2 | BOIP | Úrad Beneluxu pre duševné vlastníctvo |
EA | EAPO | Eurázijská patentová organizácia |
GC | GCC | Patentový úrad Rady pre spoluprácu arabských štátov Perzského zálivu |
OA | OAPI | Africká organizácia duševného vlastníctva |
AP | ARIPO | Africká regionálna organizácia duševného vlastníctva |
QZ | CPVO | Úrad Spoločenstva pre odrody rastlín |
UPOV | Medzinárodná únia na ochranu nových odrôd rastlín |
Foreign industrial property offices
The names of the states mentioned in the list are standardized names of the forms of Slovak common names of the states, which are binding for use according to § 18 of Act No. 215/1995 Coll. on Geodesy and Cartography, as amended. More detailed information on the standardised names of states is available on the website of the Office of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre of the Slovak Republic: "
1 In some outputs of the Office, the name European Union is used in conjunction with the EM code, e.g. in connection with the indication of data or information on trade marks or designs intended for the territory of the European Union (international registrations under the Madrid or Hague system).
2 The Benelux Intellectual Property Office includes Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. In some of the Office's outputs, the name Benelux is used in conjunction with the code BX, e.g. in connection with the indication of data or information on trade marks or designs destined for Benelux countries (international registrations under the Madrid or Hague system).