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Tomáš Klinka

Z rozhodnutí centra ADR
Rozhodnutie 50/2023 z 2. júla 2023

Issues from Decisions of the Domain Name ADR
Decision 50/2023 of 2 July, 2023

Duševné vlastníctvo, Volume 27, Number 2/2023, pages 81 - 83



Odporúčaná forma citácie článku: / Recommended form for quotation of the article:

KLINKA, T. 2023. Z rozhodnutí centra ADR: Rozhodnutie 50/2023 z 2. júla 2023. In Duševné vlastníctvo. [online]. Vol. 27 No. 2, 2023. ISSN 1339-5564, pp. 81 – 83.  Available at:



The Complainant requested that a domain name „“ is transferred from its current Domain name holder to itself on the basis of an alleged infringement of the rights to the Protected sign. In this case the Protected sign represents the sign “” and “”, protected as unregistered sign. The Expert concluded that the Domain is identical to the Protected sign. The Expert concluded that Complainant did not prove that its Protected sign is well-known, as a result of which the Expert had to assess whether the likelihood of confusion exists in this case. In this respect, the Expert found the likelihood of confusion between the Domain and the Protected sign. Moreover, the Expert concluded that the Domain name holder did not prove her right or legitimate interest to the Domain. Moreover, the Complainant proved the Domain name holder’s lack of good faith with respect to registration and using of the domain name. The ADR Expert thus concluded that all necessary conditions required by the Rules of ADR were met and therefore ordered the transfer of the domain to the Complainant.

Key words

zhodnosť označení; podobnosť označení; pravdepodobnosť zámeny; nezapísané označenie; dobré meno; nedostatok dobrej viery; neexistencia práva alebo legitímneho záujmu; chránené označenie